Do you know why girls have sex?
When was the last time you actually asked them?
When it comes to sex, women are often seen—in movies or magazines—but their real voices are rarely heard. Subjectified is a documentary that lets women speak for themselves.
While our culture is saturated with images of female sexuality, the real voices of women themselves are frequently missing. Through in-depth interviews, Subjectified trades easy answers and stereotypes for brutal honesty. The stories may sound familiar: young moms, abstinent Christians, late-blooming lesbians, survivors of assaults and STDs. But outside the world of reality T.V. and sound bites, women approach their lives in complex and unexpected ways: sometimes hilarious, sometimes sobering, and always heartfelt. Subjectified will change the way you think about women’s sexuality.
Want to share your own story or read other people’s first person accounts of sex and sexuality? Continue the conversation at Do Tell.
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